• PCG Cat Collector Lure 1 oz

Cat Collector calls in more bobcats for trappers. It keeps cats at your traps for the longest amount of time for higher catches. Cat Collector makes you money!

If you want more confidence trapping bobcats, Cat Collector bobcat Lure has the highest proven track record for catching bobcats you can get your hands on.

Cat Collector is responsible for more big beautiful bobcat photos than any other bobcat lure in the last decade. Drives Bobcats crazy and causes more bobcats to work your trap sets.

Want to catch more bobcats? We all Do! So don't miss your dream bobcat by using a less productive lure. Sub-standard bobcat lures cause a lot of senseless heart ache each year for a ton of trappers.

You want to catch more bobcats, Cat Collector is the key, plus good trap sets on bobcat locations. Cat Collector is the same bobcat lure that Predator Control Group only used to catch 174 bobcats on three ranches in 60 days. If you have seen the CAT COLLECTOR DVD, this is the only bobcat lure that was used to take up to 14 bobcats in a single day.

The lure is thick, can be smeared, handles the sun and sheds water. One aspect of Cat Collector is that we have had out bobcat sets for over a month and the lure still smelled the same, strong and musky, after a month! If you were to check in Clint Locklears trap bag on his personal bobcat line, CAT COLLECTOR would be the only cat lure in his bag.

 CAT COLLECTOR is a three part bobcat lure. There is a exotic food base, two powerful musks and a strange odor that stops cats in their tracks. What is better than stopping a cat, is a lure that they have to get close too, real close too. This lure has amazed me on the test line and trap line. If you want or need to catch a lot of cats, you can not go wrong with Cat Collector.

What was surprising. is how it took coyote after coyote. What makes this different, is our cat sets are blocked hard, feathers and a large flags. Coyotes do not like these trap set factors, but they just could not seem to help themselves. The coyotes had to get to this lure no matter what.  I have had a lot of coyote trappers use Cat Collector for their dedicated coyote lure on both dirt hole sets and flat sets. Not only that, there have been several trappers that are hammering fisher, martin and big bore raccoons with this lure. This is not your normal skunk, castor or cat nip bobcat lure, Cat Collector is in a class all by itself, first class!

Bobcats can be hard to come by sometimes, so why would you chance your cat catch to a cheap mass made bobcat lure. You owe it to yourself to use the best bobcat lure you can get your hands on, and this is it. Stop the bobcats that are walking by your sets. Stop using a bobcat lure that most cats could care less about! Try out some CAT COLLECTOR and fill up your cat stretchers with some spots.

2oz Jar

Let's get more bobcats in your fur shed, add Cat Collector to your cart and start  stacking up your own bobcats!

" waiting for the bobcats to move through but since using your product my catch has increased 100%. 
I hope to send you pictures of some bobcat soon. Thanks again, Kellen"

*Will be just as good in 5 years as it is today. We formulate Cat Collector to defy time for you.

*If you don't use it all this season, no worries. Store out of direct high heat and direct sunlight.
*Don't waste this lure, over luring can slow things down for you. Use about a pinto bean size amount at you trap set.
* Clint Locklear makes Cat Collector himself, more importantly he uses this same lure on his professional Predator Control Jobs and personal productive fur lines.

Please note Cat Collector is a very effective lure to trap Coyotes and Fisher. To be honest we ship as much Cat Collector lure to coyote and fisher trappers as we do to folks going after bobcats.

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PCG Cat Collector Lure 1 oz

  • Product Code: catcoll1oz
  • Availability: 8
  • $7.50

Tags: Cat Collector, Bobcat lure, bobcat Bait, best, foothold, cage trap, Clint locklear, catch, bobcat trapping