• Coyote Claymore 1, Federales, Boss Dog, coyote gland combo

Save money while catching your coyotes.

Not sure what is the very best coyote bait and lure combination, No worries! We have done that for your.

Have you ever wondered how much a bait of lure to use at a set, we have you covered again with Coyote Claymore

Don't waste you precious time and energy guessing what to use on your coyote line, we give you a free applicator for amount you should be using.

COYOTE CLAYMORE 1 ..16 oz premixed bait and combination with Federales, Boss Dog Lure and coyote gland. Comes with applicator. Cost is $29.00. Makes 50 sets by using round end of the applicator. Pre mixed to take the guess work out of which bait or lure to get or how much of each bait and lure to use at a set. This combination is Clint Locklear's first and favorite lure bait combination for Coyotes, fox and big monster Raccoon. Once you try Coyote Claymore 1, you can enjoy your trapping more because you will no longer have to stress of what is the best lure and bait combination is or how much you should be using.


If you are not running a lot of sets, Coyote Claymore 1 is a money saving system. If you buy Federales, Boss Gog and Coyote Gland seperatly it would cost you $14.00 for bait, $22.00 for Boss Dog and $12.00 for a total of $48.00. So if you need 50 sets or less to catch coyote, bobcats or Raccoon you will save $19.00. We all want to save our hard earned money.

Your Coyote Claymore 1 will come in one pint jar.

If your ready too have a blast catching several coyotes, add Coyote Claymore 1 to you cart, and get started in a few days.

* Will last for years, till you decide too use all of it.

* Store out of direct high heat

*Use the free applicator to spoon out and smear you bait/lure combo at your sets. Use the round end of the applicator, this will keep you from over using the highly effective coyote taker. 

-Trapping Tip-

How deep should a dirt hole be to catch the most coyotes, fox and bobcats.

Most trappers ask this question over time, does a shallow dirt hole work as good as a deep dirt hole. Great question. No one wants to make coyote, bobcat and fox sets and not have the best chance to catch the animal. Sometimes a trapper can only get a hole in so deep due to rocks and tree roots or very hard ground. So....you can only do what you can do on how deep your dirt hole can be.  If I get my dirt hole 12-20 inches deep, I have better results.

I understand digging a deeper hole takes more time and energy. Saying that, I can see a massive increase in my catches, but more importantly is keeps the coyote, bobcat or fox at the set much longer than a shallow hole. Just think about, it is easy to see what is a shallow hole. What is more disheartening is an animal can quickly steal your lure and bait. This means shallow dirt holes get less time at a set and more theft at your sets. Like I said, the amount of time you can keep a predator is a game changer.

The hard reality of trapping is that the animals don't read the same trapping books or the watch the same trapping videos as we trappers do. So they don't know where they are suppose to step. All trap sets are a guess or theory at best, as too where a coyote will step. Sad but true. Plus each predator that works one of your sets is a individual, they are not a robot that is programed to step in the exact spot a book or video says they should. Once you understand this, you are looking for maximum paw moment at your trap set. The more paw movement equals a higher visit to catch ratio for you on your line.

So too me, the deeper dirt hole gives you the trapper the best chance to catch more coyotes, bobcats and fox that visit you sets on your trap line. Get dirty and dig deep guys!

By Clint Locklear


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Coyote Claymore 1, Federales, Boss Dog, coyote gland combo

  • Product Code: claymo1
  • Availability: 481
  • $29.00

Tags: Coyote Claymore 1, Federales, Boss Dog, coyote gland combo, trapping, new to trapping, what to buy, coyote, fox, bobcat, raccoon