XXX Call is like a sniper rifle that reaches out touches animals at a distance.
Way more than simple skunk.
Coyotes, bobcats, fox, martin and fisher hunts down the optimized XXX Call Lure
Super thick, smear-able call lure that is loaded with pure skunk, but also has added musk's to reach out and tell the predators where you want them to be.
Simple skunk lures are more for trappers not animals. Don't fall for this.
A good call lure is more than simple skunk. In a really good call lure the skunk is used to push other ingredients farther out on the wind. Smear above set or at the set itself when the temps drop to extreme cold.
You don't want want this on your hands or your truck, if you do, you will be living with it for days.
4oz bottle
Call in more animals from farther our, add XXX Call Lure to your cart and reach out and touch some critters.
-Trapper Tip-
What is the best way to use skunky call lures while trapping coyotes, bobcats and fox.
The two ways most trappers use a call lure like XXX Call Lure is at the set itself or behind the set and let the wind work for them.
Once temperatures get below 10 degrees you can add a long distance call lure right at the set. A call lure helps push out the other odors from more standard lures and you baits. So you can add in your dirt hole after you add your bait and lure. Saying that, if it is not cold, sometimes this will cause the odors to be too hot for a lot of animals. Which could slow down your catch until the smells calm down. So if your in real cold weather, add to set itself. Most marten and fisher trappers will smear a little call lure on the bait just right behind their body grip traps, footholds or cage traps.
The other way to use a loud call lure is behind the set. The trick to this is for you to have the call lure blow over the set then over the animals travel way. An example is if the wind is coming from the North. Smear some call lure on a tree, brush or a stick north of the set. With a north wind, you need to place you trap just north of the animals travel way. This allows the wind to push the call lure over you set and over the travel way. Saying that, if you place your call lure south of your travel way, and the wind is out of the north, the animal will not smell your call lure. Think of deer hunting and wind, but the opposite of wind in your face.
Plus you can use both methods if you want, a little call lure at the set and some behind your set to reach out farther so your working with the wind
A loud skunk based lure will not help you catch animals if you are way off trap location. Nor will a skunk based call lure help you much if you use it while not thinking about the wind direction.
Now go have some real fun in the cold!
by Clint Locklear
XXX CALL LURE for coyote, bobcats, fisher, fox, martin
- Product Code: xxxcal
- Availability: 22